Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland has opened a post-doc position. The project combines regional modelling, data science and health data. It will be a 2-years postdoc with a possibility for extension by another 2 years. If we get an experienced person, the postdoc position can be turned into a project scientist. The person will be placed at PSI dealing with our regional model, but will be able to collaborate with another scientist in the data science center at ETH and with TPH, the biggest institute of health and epidemiology in Switzerland. The idea of the project is to develop a data-science based CTM to predict the aerosol sources that cause the most damage to human health. We will build up on our new paper in Nature (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2902-8).
The candidate should have an in-depth expertise in numerical modelling and atmospheric chemistry. Interested candidates should get in touch with Imad El Haddad (imad.el-haddad[a]psi.ch). The project start will be in summer-fall 2021.