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No. | MS. No. | Milestone name | Description | Related WP | Estimated Month | Actual delivery month | Means of verification | Lead Beneficiary |
WP1 | ||||||||
1 | MS1.1 | Organization of project Kick-off meeting | Related to D1.1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | Minutes sent | CNRS |
2 | MS1.2 | Launch of call for TNA | - | 1 | 2 | 2 | Call published | CNRS |
3 | MS1.3 | Definition of terms of reference for independent project bodies (IAB, DC-EB, TUSP) | - | 1 | 3 | 3 | Data validated | CNRS |
4 | MS1.4 | Project-internal website implemented | - | 1 | 3 | 2 | Minutes sent | CNRS |
5 | MS1.5 | Organization of first official project meeting | Related to D1.2 | 1 | 10 | 13 | Minutes sent | CNRS |
6 | MS1.6 | Organization of second official project meeting | Related to D1.4 | 1 | 22 | 24 | Minutes sent | CNRS |
7 | MS1.7 | Organization of third official project meeting | Related to D1.5 | 1 | 34 | 34 | Minutes sent | CNRS |
8 | MS1.8 | Organization of final official project meeting | - | 1 | 46 | 55 | Minutes sent | CNRS |
WP2 | ||||||||
9 | MS2.1 | Update of chamber overview tables | Web page launched with the list of main characteristics of the different chambers of the Eurochamp consortium. | 2 | 3 | 3 | Updated overview online | CEAM |
10 | MS2.2 | Workshop for the definition of experiments to ensure that the activity programme is optimum for model advancement | Organisation and execution of a worshop at the beginning of the project with the aim of defining the list of tests and experimental conditions to carry out during the workpackage, with the attendance of chamber holders and modellers | 2 | 3 | 3 | Minutes sent | CEAM |
11 | MS2.3 | Definition of experimental conditions for the test experiments for task 2.1 | Creation of a list containing experiments and conditions for determination of chamber-dependent parameters affecting chemistry, defined by consensus of the Eurochamp partners involved in the task | 2 | 3 | 3 | Definition validated | CEAM |
12 | MS2.4 | Definition of experimental conditions for the multi-chamber experiments for task 2.2 | Creation of a list containing experiments and conditions to carry out multi-chamber studies and model tools on radical chemistry, VOC oxidation and SOA, defined by consensus of the Eurochamp partners involved in the task | 2 | 12 | 12 | Definition validated | CEAM |
13 | MS2.5 | Workshop for the selection/interpretation of experiments | Organisation and execution of a worshop to discuss the first result obtained on the experiments carried out to that date and, if necessary, update or redefine the list of tests and experimental conditions to carry out until the end of the project | 2 | 24 | 24 | Minutes sent | CEAM |
14 | MS2.6 | Workshop for the interpretation of optimum experiments for model advancement | Organisation and execution of a workshop for discussion on the results and selection of the most suitable experiments to be used for modelling advancement purposes | 2 | 51 | 55 | Minutes sent | CEAM |
WP3 | ||||||||
15 | MS3.1 | Evaluation of a library of scripts dedicated to handling of data files in the common format | Library of scripts to verify EUROCHAMP data format (.edf) compliance, visualize data and combine various data sets is evaluated. | 3 | 6 | 6 | Evaluation completed | FZJ |
16 | MS3.2 | Workshop on the provision of data to the data centre | The workshop is scheduled, participants are invited and the minutes are sent. | 3 | 10 | 12 | Minutes sent | FZJ |
17 | MS3.3 | Workshop on standard protocols and best practices in simulation chamber experiments | The workshop is scheduled, participants are invited and the minutes are sent. | 3 | 12 | 12 | Minutes sent | FZJ |
18 | MS3.4 | Precise definition of high level-products to be implemented in the LADP | High level parameters for use in the library of advances data products (LAPD), are validated to compile a list of parameters to use in chemical modelling, radiative transfer calculations, and remote sensing. | 3 | 18 | 18 | Data validated | FZJ |
19 | MS3.5 | Dissemination among the consortium of a library of scripts to handle edf data files | Library of scripts to verify EUROCHAMP data format (.edf) compliance, visualize data and combine various data sets is available to the consortium partners. | 3 | 18 | 18 | Data distributed | FZJ |
20 | MS3.6 | Evaluation of a suite of tools for the analysis of aerosol chamber experiment | Library of scripts to visualize aerosol data, correct for wall losses and compare between experiments is evaluated. | 3 | 24 | 24 | Evaluation completed | FZJ |
21 | MS3.7 | Intercomparison campaign on the measurement of small oxygenated organic | The campaign is scheduled and key international participating groups are identified. An experiment schedule is developed and PIs are identified. | 3 | 24 | 18 | Campaign launched | FZJ |
22 | MS3.8 | Dissemination among the consortium of a GUI for the use with FTIR analysis software | A user friendly graphical interface for FTR data analysis, optimized to retrieve concentration profiles of compounds in complex gas mixtures, is distributed among the consortium. | 3 | 24 | 24 | Data distributed | FZJ |
23 | MS3.9 | Dissemination among the consortium of a suite of tools to analyse of aerosol experiments | Library of scripts to visualize aerosol data, correct for wall losses and compare between experiments is available to the consortium partners. | 3 | 30 | 28 | Data distributed | FZJ |
24 | MS.310 | Intercomparison campaign of IN instruments | The campaign is scheduled and key international participating groups are identified. An experiment schedule is developed and PIs are identified. | 3 | 36 | 30 | Campaign launched | FZJ |
25 | MS3.11 | Intercomparison campaign of PTR-MS instruments | The campaign is scheduled and key international participating groups are identified. An experiment schedule is developed and PIs are identified. | 3 | 36 | 30 | Campaign launched | FZJ |
WP4 | ||||||||
26 | MS4.1 | Database of potential industry users established | A comprehensive list of the potential industry partners operating in the key sectors important to EUROCHAMP-2020 will be created and regularly updated | 4 | 3 | 3 | Database published | UCC |
27 | MS4.2 | Innovation Advisory Board established | Group of international experts established to provide advice on how the infrastructure can best develop and promote a culture of co-operation with industry | 4 | 6 | 9 | Members' list available | UCC |
28 | MS4.3 | Innovation Platform webpages and publicity completed | All partners will be involved in preparation of the Innovation Platform section of the EUROCHAMP-2020 website which will include details on facilities, case studies of previous successful collaborations with industry etc. | 4 | 6 | 6 | Platform validated | UCC |
29 | MS4.4 | Open-ended call for Associated Partnership issued and publicized | Open invitation to SMEs and companies to join EUROCHAMP-2020 as Associated Partners will be issued via website, email and other dissemination channels | 4 | 6 | 6 | Call published | UCC |
30 | MS4.5 | Innovation Workshop | Workshop involving Partners, Associated Partners, and other potential industry users to discuss plans for TNA visits and other types of collaborative activities | 4 | 20 (amended!) |
24 | Minutes sent | UCC |
31 | MS4.6 | Final survey of industry users completed | Survey completed by industry users to gain feedback on the effectiveness of the Innovation Platform | 4 | 42 | Survey completed | UCC | |
WP5 | ||||||||
32 | MS5.1 | A joint ACTRIS/EUROCHAMP scientific meeting on joint operation of activities | Meeting of scientists operating in ACTRIS and EUROCHAMP to define specific requirements from the EUROCHAMP community in terms of services to support operations in the long term | 5 | 12 | 13 | Minutes sent | UHEL |
33 | MS5.2 | Definition of criteria for platform eligibility in a physical access program | Completion of meeting series defining EUROCHAMP requiremens for access services in ACTRIS with criteria distributed internally to the consortium | 5 | 15 | 15 | Data validated | UHEL |
34 | MS5.3 | Feedback from ACTRIS Data Centre and ENVRI ICT experts on best options for integration | A document jointly issued by ACTRIS DC and EUROCHAMP DC on best options for joint DC architecture, reviewed by ICT experts from ENVRI, is distributed internally to the consortium | 5 | 18 | 22 | Data distributed | UHEL |
35 | MS5.4 | Criteria for eligibility as Central Facility are defined | Completion of meeting series on EUROCHAMP requiremens for Central Facilities structures and services in ACTRIS with requirements distributed internally to the consortium | 5 | 24 | 25 | Data validated | UHEL |
36 | MS5.5 | Opt-in/Opt-out strategy is decided by ACTRIS and EUROCHAMP communities (partnership) | A document reviewing options for the EUROCHAMP long-term strategy to ESFRI is distributed internally to the consortium | 5 | 36 | 45 | Data validated | UHEL |
37 | MS5.6 | EUROCHAMP/ACTRIS stakeholder meeting | Meeting of ACTRIS and EUROCHAMP stakeholders to review means of integration of EUROCHAMP into ACTRIS RI and impacts (including financial) | 5 | 36 | 35 | Minutes sent | UHEL |
WP6 | ||||||||
38 | MS6.1 | Project website and social media accounts established | The website is online with updated content, open to a wide community and not just experts in the field | 6 | 6 | 6 | E-tools available | CNRS |
39 | MS6.2 | Promotional material and mobile exhibition stand available | The promotional material has been available and distributed widely in Europe | 6 | 12 | 12 | Package available | CNRS |
40 | MS6.3 | Educational materials available for distribution | The educational material has been made available and has been used to attract and increase common awarness on the topic of that prject | 6 | 24 | 27 | See deliverable 6.6 | CNRS |
WP7 | ||||||||
41 | MS7.1 | Definition of application and selection procedure for physical access to the EUROCHAMP simulation chambers | Definition of centralized procedure and user requirements for application of proposals and on-line submission, nomination of external and internal TNA selection panel members, definition of evaluation and selection procedure including selection criteria, development of application and evaluation forms and reporting documents (templates). | 7 | 2 | 2 | Data published on the web | BUW |
42 | MS7.2 | Advertisement of TNA opportunities and launch of continuous call for TNA | Wide advertisement of continuous call for access via mailing lists and on EUROCHAMP webportal, including information about access opportunities and general TNA procedures for users, publicity for TNA opportunities on EUROCHAMP station websites | 7 | 3 | 2 | TNA call launched | BUW |
43 | MS7.3 | Intermediate assessment of EUROCHAMP simulation chambers access provision and outreach | Related to D8.1 | 7 | 22 | 24 | Assessment completed | BUW |
44 | MS7.4 | Final assessment of EUROCHAMP simulation chambers access provision and outreach | Related to D8.2 | 7 | 55 | Assessment completed | BUW | |
WP8 | ||||||||
45 | MS8.1 | Definition of application and selection procedure for access to the EUROCHAMP-2020 calibration facilities | This includes the design of the correspondig web interface forms, definition of requested user information, time intervalls leading from an application to a decision, and the specific peer review procedure that will be used to select users of the calibration facilites by the TNA User Selection Panel. | 8 | 2 | 2 | Procedure published | KIT |
46 | MS8.2 | Advertisement of TNA opportunities and launch of continuous call for TNA | Announcement of the TNA opportunities to access the calibration facilities on the EUROCHAMP 2020 homepage and through networks of possibly interested scientist such as ACTRIS or IGAC. Launch of the application web site on the EUROCHAMP 2020 homepage. | 8 | 3 | 2 | TNA call lanched | KIT |
47 | MS8.3 | Intermediate assessment of EUROCHAMP-2020 calibration service and access provision | Evaluation of user feedback and the number and quality of access to calibration facilities provided so far. Definition of potential measures to improve the access to the calibration facilities. | 8 | 22 | 24 | Assessment completed | KIT |
48 | MS8.4 | Final assessment of EUROCHAMP-2020 calibration service and access provision | Evaluation of user feedback and the number and quality of access to calibration facilities provided. Comparison of the number and quality of access requested with that provided. | 8 | 55 | Assessment completed | KIT | |
WP9 | ||||||||
49 | MS9.1 | Definition of new EUROCHAMP DC Architecture | A new and long-term architecture of EUROCHAMP DC will be defined in order to facilitate the provision of data by partners and the access data to a large community of users. | 9 | 4 | 4 | Data validated | CNRS |
50 | MS9.2 | Transfer of the existing database on environmental chamber studies to the Data Centre managed by the CNRS | The existing database established during previous EUROCHAMP projects will be transferred to the scientific Data Centre of CNRS to make it more operative, secured and sustainable. Two data repositories will be created: The Database of Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Studies (DASCS) and the Library of Analytical Resources (LAR) | 9 | 9 | 9 | Data centre transferred | CNRS |
51 | MS9.3 | Release of tools dedicated to data providers | Tools developed to facilitate the provision of data and the management of the database will be provided to partners. They include: (i) tools for monitoring activities of data providers, (ii)tools for monitoring data provision and usage and (iii) implementation of flagging systems to support data quality control defined in NA2 and NA3. | 9 | 13 | 13 | Tools available | CNRS |
52 | MS9.4 | Release of tools dedicated to data users | Tools developed/improved to enhance the use of the database by external users will be provided. They include: (i) global user interface, (ii) vizualisation and searching tools and (iii) tools for modelling of chamber data. | 9 | 20 | 20 | Tools available | CNRS |
53 | MS9.5 | Release of DHLP database accessible to the users | Tools developed/improved to enhance the use of the database by external users will be provided. They include: (i) global user interface, (ii) vizualisation and searching tools and (iii) tools for modelling of chamber data. | 9 | 30 | 30 | Database validated | CNRS |
WP10 | ||||||||
54 | MS10.1 | Upgrade of AIDA chamber with humidification and SIMONE depolarization systems completed | Upgrade of AIDA chamber with an air humidification system and a UV source for photo-chemical processes, and a more sensitive instrument (SIMONE) for in situ detection of phase transitions by improved light scattering and circular depolarization measurements, with improvements demonstrated. | 10 | 12 | 12 | Data validated | PSI |
55 | MS10.2 | Protocol established to couple primary combustion sources to simulation chambers | Development of a protocol that allows the artefact-free transfer of gas-phase and particulate components from different combustion sources to the corresponding chamber for process studies. | 10 | 12 | 12 | Protocol validated | PSI |
56 | MS10.3 | Chambers have been adapted and are available for activity 10.3.1 | Adaptation of atmospheric simulation chambers to assess the importance of surface reactions in realistic, complex reactions systems at near-natural atmospheric concentrations and conditions, as a function of concentration, light conditions, temperature and interface conditions; with evidence given by a typical example. | 10 | 12 | 12 | Data validated | PSI |
57 | MS10.4 | Method established for continuous mode operation of chambers | Demonstration of a validated method to operate the involved chambers in continuous mode supplying a constant flow-rate of well-characterized aged gas/aerosols mixtures, to allow atmospheric exposures over time scales of several days. | 10 | 15 | 15 | Method validated | PSI |
58 | MS10.5 | Upgrade of CESAM chamber with a UV-VIS in situ optical system completed | Upgrade of the CESAM chamber with a UV-VIS in situ optical system for a more realistic representation of the aerosol absorption properties in this spectral domain completed, provision of a demonstration case. | 10 | 18 | 20 | Data validated | PSI |
59 | MS10.6 | Experimental protocols established for chamber studies of bioaerosols | Methods for generating stable suspensions of bioaerosols (mainly bacteria and fungal spores) in the chamber developed, tested and optimized. Chamber operating conditions developed to expose bioaerosols, including bacteria and fungal spores to defined meteorological conditions (humidity, UV light) and/or atmospheric chemical composition. | 10 | 18 | 18 | Protocols validated | PSI |
60 | MS10.7 | Protocol established for the production of aerosol particles for health studies and cultural heritage exposure. | Development and test of an improved, more robust particle enrichment system comleted, complemented with design improvements of the cell exposure instruments and compared with chamber studies with near to atmospheric concentrations. | 10 | 21 | 21 | Protocol validated | PSI |
61 | MS10.8 | Prototype of new instrumentation for the detection of hydroxyl radicals, hydroperoxy radicals and speciated organic peroxy radicals developed. | Prototype of instrument based on Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) developed with improvements to enhance quality assurance of measurements by implementing a chemical OH titration method. | 10 | 24 | 24 | Prototype running | PSI |
62 | MS10.9 | Protocol for chamber measurements with real sources | Best practices established for chamber measurements utilizing real anthropogenic and biogenic emission sources, for the investigation of the effects of emission treatment and injection (e.g. sampling temperature, dilution conditions, injection order of multiple sources) , with the goal to assure the repeatability and atmospheric representativeness of the measurements. | 10 | 24 | 21 | Protocol validated | PSI |
63 | MS10.10 | Instrumentation for the detection of oxygenated / nitrogenous / highly functionalized species made available at chambers | Chemical ionization mass spectrometry combined with a time-of-flight detector (TOF-CIMS) adapted to chamber experiments in order to specify and quantify OVOC of particular interest such as organic hydroperoxides, carbonyl compounds, organic acids and organic nitrates, and highly oxidized organic compounds in general. | 10 | 24 | 24 | Instrumentation validated | PSI |
64 | MS10.11 | Evaluation of representativeness of cloud condensation and ice nucleation experiments compared to the ILMARI chamber completed. | Evaluation completed on how representative cloud condensation and ice nucleation experiments with single or multiple precursors and seed material are compared to experiments with the ILMARI chamber using real emission sources (wood combustion, vehicle emissions, and plant emissions). | 10 | 24 | 24 | Evaluation completed | PSI |
65 | MS10.12 | Protocol for controlling the key species and to investigate the gas phase and particle phase processes using real emission sources or ambient air | Protocol completed to establish the best practice for chamber measurements utilizing real anthropogenic and biogenic emission sources, the effects of emission treatment and injection (e.g. sampling temperature, dilution conditions, injection order of multiple sources), to assure the repeatability and atmospheric representativeness of the measurements. | 10 | 33 | 33 | Protocol validated | PSI |
66 | MS10.13 | Chamber experiments to test carbon/hydroxyl radical reactivity balance | NO3 measurement techniques developed from proof of concept in EUROCHAMP2 to routine operation. | 10 | 36 | 36 | Data validated | PSI |
67 | MS10.14 | Extension of LACIS simulator for cloud turbulence studies completed | Extension of the Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator’s (LACIS) capabilities completed to enable investigation of the interactions between cloud microphysical processes (e.g., particle activation to droplets and droplet freezing) under well-defined turbulence and thermodynamic conditions and to study the impact of turbulence on cloud entrainment regions or cloud internal temperature and humidity fluctuations. | 10 | 36 | 36 | Process completed | PSI |
WP11 | ||||||||
68 | MS11.1 | End of adaptation phase for CFX, Fluent/FPM and ACPIM models (11.1) and availability of the models to WPs 10.1 and 11.2. | Completion of dynamical and cloud microphysical process model development for chamber application and handover to the workpackages in which they will be used. | 11 | 18 | 18 | Data validated | NCAS-JRU |
69 | MS11.2 | End of development and evaluation phase for MCM/GECKO-A mechanism auto-generation tools (11.1) and availability to WP2, 9 (prediction tools), 10.4 and 11.2. | Completion of chemical process model autogeneration development for chamber application and handover to the workpackages in which it will be used. | 11 | 24 | 24 | Data validated | NCAS-JRU |
70 | MS11.3 | End of development phase for coupling of MCM/GECKO-A and CAPRAM chemical modelling tools (11.1), and microphysical tools (11.1) and availability to WP2, 9 and WP10.3. | Completion of coupled chemical process model and aerosol microphysical model development for chamber application and handover to the workpackages in which they will be used. | 11 | 36 | 36 | Data validated | NCAS-JRU |
71 | MS11.4 | End of development phase for dynamic OA models and availability of simplified schemes to 11.2. | Completion of dynamic organic aerosol volatility-based model development for chamber application and handover to the workpackages in which it will be used. | 11 | 36 | 36 | Updated version available | NCAS-JRU |
72 | MS11.5 | Release of an updated version of MISTRA-Snow as a community version. | Community delivery of the snow photochemistry model. | 11 | 36 | 36 | Data validated | NCAS-JRU |
73 | MS11.6 | End of development phase for updated VBS module for CAMx model. | Completion of organic aerosol volatility-based numerical description based on chamber data for inclusion in large-scale chemical transport model. | 11 | 36 | 56 | Data validated | NCAS-JRU |
74 | MS11.7 | End of development phase of biological module for CAMx. | Software module developed for the description of aerosol biological pararameters, such as the presence of microorganisms, their characteristics (type, vitality, pathogenicity,…), their interaction with other aerosols and the correlation of their parameters with atmospheric conditions | 11 | 36 | 56 | Data validated | NCAS-JRU |
75 | MS11.8 | Public release of WRF-Chem co-condensation treatment based on a dynamically-partitioning version of the VBS | Completion of dynamic organic aerosol volatility-based numerical description based on chamber data for inclusion in large-scale coupled model. | 11 | 42 | Model running | NCAS-JRU |