Pascal KALUZNY – CEO Groupe TERA (TERA Environnement, Ecologicsense, Nec-K)
Pascal Kaluzny is a specialist of Air Quality.
After a PhD thesis of Chemistry and Atmospheric pollution, performed in Grenoble University (France) and with the JRC of Ispra, he has created in 2001 the TERA Environnement Company.This corporation is a recognized private laboratory for Air Quality Measurements.
Since 2005, Pascal Kaluzny has worked in French standardization commission and he became in 2007 chairman of AFNOR B44A Commission and in 2008 chairman at CEN TC 386 both dedicated to photocatalysis. In 2009, he was also the leader of the French NORMACAT Project, one of the first collaborative research program with a CEN standard project as deliverable.
Since 2010 Pascal Kaluzny is working on real time measurement for Air Quality by developing specific sensors (Ecologicsense Company, several patents filed). At the end of 2012, he created an Air Quality industrial group: “Groupe TERA” (by adding the Nec-K company dedicated to Air Quality data and softwares).

Dave Worton leads the Environmental Gases team of National Physical Laboratory's Gas and Particle Metrology Group, providing the traceability that underpins global atmospheric and urban air quality monitoring of greenhouse gases, emission and reactive gases and volatile organic compounds. Dave has over 10 years' experience developing and applying gas chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques to study the chemistry of atmospheric gases and particles and has published over 50 peer-reviewed papers. He is a member and chartered chemist of the Royal Society of Chemistry and represents NPL on the BSI EH/2/3, CEN TC264 and ISO TC24/SC4 standardisation committees.

Since leaving the University in 2000, Minna has been working for industry: for IT companies and HVAC industry in positions of industrial R&D and business development, and now as the CEO of Airmodus. Airmodus is a company developing and selling measurement technologies for counting aerosol particles down to 1 nm in diameter. Minna also e.g. chairs the Finnish committee for standardization of building ventilation. In addition to the PhD, Minna has a diploma in Industrial Service Business. She also holds the certificate of an Approved Member of the Board of Directors by the Finnish Chambers of Commerce.

Matthew Johnson has a Bachelor in Chemistry from Macalester College in St. Paul (Minnesota) and a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech, 1995) for work on the infrared laser spectroscopy of solvated ions in a molecular beam. He received a Fulbright Fellowship to work at the MAX-Lab Synchrotron in Lund,Sweden on high resolution infrared spectrosopy of molecules related to stratospheric ozone depletion. He was hired by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen in 1998 where he is currently Professor. He has 101 peer-reviewed publications (h-index of 30), 6 patents and one book.
He invented and patented a photochemical method of cleaning air and is co-founder of two companies, Infuser (www.infuser.eu) and Airlabs (www.airlabs.com). The University has granted him a 50% leave in order to work with Airlabs and Infuser which together employ over a dozen Chemists from the University of Copenhagen.

Juergen Spielvogel studied Physics at the University of Stuttgart (1989-1993). As fellow of the Rose-Hulman International Fellowship (Indiana, USA) he completed his Master in Applied Optics (1995) with the thesis titled: Study of the photorefractive phase shift in a BaTiO3 crystal using an interferometric technique. He worked at the Institute for Lasertechnologies in Medicine and Metrology (Ulm, Germany) on infrared spectroscopy with Silverhalide fibers and at the University of Ulm where he used Raman spectroscopy and AFM for adhesion experiments. He participated in exchanges with the Kanazawa Institute of Technology (Japan) and Tel Aviv University (Israel) and spent seven years in the industry in USA where he worked in the R & D departments of three major particle counting companies (ARTI, Hach Ultra Analytics, Metone Instruments).
At Grimm in Germany he was responsible for the nano instrumentation division. He worked at Palas from 2010-2015 where he was responsible for the development and distribution in the fields of environmental monitoring and nano instrumentation. In February 2015 he joined TSI as Senior Global Product Manager for Particle Instruments.
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