# | Hosting Institution | Chamber/ Calibration Centre | Project title | Acronym | PI name | Home Institution | Country | CoA (days) |
No of users | Dates |
1 | KIT | AIDA | Ice nucleation activity of marine aerosol particles | AIDA-001-2017 | Matthew Salter | Stockholm University | Sweden | 20 | 4 | 30/01/2017 -24/02/2017 | |
2 | CNRS | CESAM | Aqueous Formation of Brown Carbon: Effects of Photooxidation, Clouds, and SO2 | CESAM-001-2017 | David De Haan | University of San Diego | USA | 14 | 4 | 04/07/17 - 24/07/17 | |
3 | FZJ | SAPHIR | ISOPOOH and IEPOX photochemistry | SAPHIR-001-2017 | Frank Keutsch | Harvard University | USA | 18 | 4 | 10/04/17 - 28/06/17 | |
4 | CNRS | HELIOS | Quantifying the Importance of Ketone Photolysis to Tropospheric Oxidation | HELIOS-001-2017 | Jared Brewer | Colorado State University | USA | - | 3 | REFUSED | |
5 | CNRS | HELIOS | Quantifying the Importance of Ketone Photolysis to Tropospheric Oxidation | HELIOS-002-2017 | Jared Brewer | Colorado State University | USA | 25 | 2 | 20/06/17 - 15/07/17 | |
6 | CEAM | EUPHORE | Photolysis of oxygenated compounds under natural irradiation | EUPHORE-001-2017 | Alexandre Tomas | IMT Lille Douai | France | 8 | 2 | 12/07/17 - 21/07/17 | |
7 | KIT | AIDA | MAN-INUIT09 | AIDA-002-2017 | Nicholas Marsden | University of Manchester | UK | 14 | 1 | 06/07/17 - 21/07/17 | |
8 | CNRS | HELIOS | The photolysis of higher aldehydes: Ethenol puzzle | HELIOS-003-2017 | Jovan Tadic | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab | USA | - | - | CANCELLED | |
9 | UEA | RvG-ASIC | Kinetic isotopic fractionation of the d13C signature of methane during sea ice formation and melt | RvG-ASIC-001-2017 | Ellen Damm | Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research | Germany | 30 | 2 | 06/11/17 - 05/12/17 | |
10 | UEA | RvG-ASIC | Microbial Life in Frost Flowers: determining seeding sources and spatial structure | RvG-ASIC-002-2017 | Catherine Larose | CNRS, Ecole Centrale de Lyon | France | 3 | 4 | 22/10/17 - 24/10/17 | |
11 | UEA | RvG-ASIC | Optical properties of first-year sea ice under formation and decay | RvG-ASIC-003-2017 | Verena Hof | Max Planck Institute for Meteorology | Germany | 14 | 2 | 08/01/18 - 22/01/18 | |
12 | KIT | AIDA | SOA formation from anthropogenic and biogenic precursors | AIDA-003-2017 | Claudia Mohr | Stockholm University | Sweden | 15 | 2 | 06/11/17 - 24/11/17 | |
13 | FORTH | FORTH-ASC | Evaluation of a dual chamber system for field studies of atmospheric pollution | FORTH-ASC-001-2017 | Christos Kaltsonoudis | Carnegie Mellon University | USA | - | 1 | REFUSED | |
14 | BUW | QUAREC | Atmospheric chemistry of unsaturated aldehydes | QUAREC-001-2017 | Alexandre Tomas | IMT Lille Douai | France | 10 | 2 | 15/02/18 - 15/03/18 | |
15 | UEF | ILMARI | Investigation of secondary organic aerosol from wood and engine combustion and mixtures thereof | ILMARI-001-2017 | Ralf Zimmermann | University of Rostock | Germany | - | 4 | REFUSED | |
16 | FORTH | FORTH-ASC | Formation and properties of secondary organic aerosol from the photoxidation of α-pinene aged products | FORTH-ASC-002-2017 | Rafal Szmigielski | Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland | 20 | 3 | 26/11/17 - 02/12/17 and 27/05/18 - 09/06/18 | |
17 | BUW | QUAREC | Gas-phase reactivity study and degradation mechanisms of selected hydrofluoroolefins: atmospheric implications and assessment as possible candidates of CFCs replacements | QUAREC-002-2017 | Maria Sagrario Salgado Munoz | Universidad de Castilla de La Mancha | Spain | 15 | 3 | 01/02/18 - 15/02/18 | |
18 | UEF | ILMARI | Investigation of the toxicity of aerosols from wood and engine combustion and mixtures thereof: direct cell exposure and analysis of combustion aerosol toxicological properties | ILMARI-002-2017 | Sebastian Öder | Helmholtz Zentrum München | Germany | - | 4 | REFUSED | |
19 | UEF | ILMARI | Investigation of the toxicity of aerosols from wood and engine combustion and mixtures thereof: direct cell exposure and analysis of combustion aerosol toxicological properties from primary and secondary organic aerosol | ILMARI-003-2017 | Ralf Zimmermann | University of Rostock | Germany | 25 | 5 | 15/01/18 - 23/02/18 | |
20 | FORTH | FORTH-ASC | Chemical aging of ambient organic aerosol | FORTH-ASC-003-2017 | Christos Kaltsonoudis | Carnegie Mellon University | USA | 15 | 1 | 12/03/18 - 05/04/18 | |
21 | TROPOS | LEAK-LACIS | Exploring the limits of the Michigan Technological University (MTU) holographic droplet detection system HoloPi | LEAK-LACIS-001-2017 | Neel Uday Desai | Michigan Technological University | USA | 10 | 1 | 22/03/18 - 07/03/18 | |
22 | PSI | CCSM | SooMount: SOOT mixing state at mountain sites (Monte Cimone/Po Valley and Bolivia experiments) | CCSM-001-2017 | Angela Marinoni | National Research Centre | Italy | - | 2 | REFUSED | |
23 | PSI | CCSM | SooMount: SOOT mixing state at mountain sites (Monte Cimone/Po Valley and Bolivia experiments) | CCSM-002-2017 | Angela Marinoni | National Research Centre | Italy | 6 | 2 | 22/01/18 - 29/01/18 | |
24 | TROPOS | LEAK-LACIS | Investigation of Coupled Quinone-Iron Chemistry and Photochemistry within Aqueous Aerosols | LEAK-LACIS-002-2017 | Jonathan Raff | Indiana University | USA | 18 | 1 | 28/05/18 - 20/06/18 | |
25 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC Training | Aerosol particle organic analytical training course | OGTAC CC-Training- 001-2018 | Hathalie Hayeck | CNRS IRCELyon | France | 5 | 8 | 22/01/18 - 26/01/18 | |
26 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC Training | Aerosol particle organic analytical training course | OGTAC CC-Training- 002-2018 | Elena Gomez Alvarez | University College Cork | Ireland | 5 | 4 | 29/01/18 - 02/02/18 | |
27 | CNRS | ISAC | Atmospheric deposition impacts on biochemistry and photochemistry of the sea surface layers of oligotrophic systems | ISAC-001-2018 | Sanja Frka Milosavljevic | Ruder Boskovic Institute | Croatia | 10 | 3 | 18/06/18 - 29/06/18 | |
28 | PSI | PACS-C3 | Online analysis of volatile organic gases released from cell cultures upon aerosol deposition as a diagnostic tool for metabolic processes | PACS-C3-001-2018 | Armin Wisthaler | University of Oslo | Norway | 10 | 2 | 12/02/18 - 02/03/18 | |
29 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC ILC | First OGTAC CC inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) | OGTAC CC - ILC - 001 - 2018 | Ana Kroflič | Slovenia National Institute of Chamistry | Slovenia | 25 | 10 | 21/03/18 - 30/08/18 | |
30 | PSI | PACS-C3 | Understanding secondary aerosol formation from biomass burning and coal combustion through the application of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry | PACS-C3-002-2018 | Alexander Vogel | Goethe-University Frankfurt | Germany | 12 | 2 | 03/04/18 - 18/04/18 | |
31 | KIT | AIDA | Volcanic Ash Ice Nucleation in Clouds (VAINIC02) | AIDA-004-2018 | Elena Maters | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | 15 | 1 | 23/04/18 - 11/05/18 | |
32 | CEAM | EUPHORE | The impact of structure on the stabilisation yields of atmospherically important Criegee Intermediates from alkene ozonolysis | EUPHORE-002-2018 | Mike Newland | University of York | United Kingdom | 13 | 1 | 02/07/18 - 18/07/18 | |
33 | PSI | PACS-C3 | Direct aerosol chemistry investigations with advanced mass spectrometric methods | PACS-C3-003-2018 | Markus Müller | Ionicon Analytik GmbH | Austria | 11 | 1 | 15/04/18 - 27/04/18 | |
34 | CEAM | EUPHORE | Intercomparison of instruments for the measurement of small oxygenated organics | EUHORE-003-2018 | Marvin Shaw | University of York | United Kingdom | 10 | 1 | 21/05/18 6 01/06/18 | |
35 | CNRS | CESAM | Chemical characterization of the African dust precursor that contributes to dust suspension and deposition at the NE Antarctic coast | CESAM-002-2018 | Nadine Mattielli | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | 4 | 3 | 14/05/18 - 17/05/18 | |
36 | CNRS | CESAM | Characterization and calibration of a new instrument for filter-based measurement of aerosol absorption coefficient at 5 wavelengths | CESAM-003-2018 | Maurizio Busetto | Enviromental Physics Bologna | Italy | 5 | 2 | 17/09/18 - 21/09/18 | |
37 | CEAM | EUPHORE | Factory boundary pollutants monitoring | EUPHORE-004-2018 | Clotilde Vivant | Blue Industry and Science | France | 7 | 3 | 20/06/18 - 29/06/18 | |
38 | UCC | IASC | Instrumental inter-comparison and kinetic study of halogen oxides and NOx instrumentation (HALOXCOMP) | IASC-001-2018 | Roberto Grilli | Institut des Géosciences de l'Environnement (IGE) - CNRS | France | 12 | 5 | 16/07/18 - 27/07/18 | |
39 | FZJ | SAPHIR | Chemistry of isoprene with NO3 under various conditions | SAPHIR-002-2018 | Mattias Hallquist | University of Gotheburg | Sweden | 20 | 9 | 23/07/18 - 28/08/18 | |
40 | KIT | AIDA | AIDA (Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere) investigation on ice nucleation activity of dust particles emitted from cattle feeding operations in Texas Panhandle | AIDA-005-2018 | Naruki Hiranuma | West Texas A&M University | USA | 17 | 5 | 0810/18 - 26/10/18 | |
41 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Detailed molecular characterization of organic aerosols from Domestic Solid Fuel burning (DSF) | OGTAC CC-Training-003-2018 | Maria Elena Gomez Alvarez | University College Cork | Ireland | 15 | 2 | 11/10/18 - 31/10/18 | |
42 | FZJ | SAPHIR | Testing of a new instrument for the detection of glyoxal based on cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy | SAPHIR-003-2018 | Xin Li | Peking University | China | 6 | 2 | 02/04/19 - 05/04/18 | |
43 | CNRS | CESAM | Optical properties of Icelandic dust: implication for the Earth’s radiative balance | CESAM-004-2018 | Zongbo Shi | University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | 10 | 2 | 13/01/19 - 26/01/19 | |
44 | PSI | PACS-C3 | EESI-Vocus Optimization, Kalibration, and Evaluation (EVOKE) | PACS-C3-004-2018 | Jordan Krechmer | Aerodyne Research | USA | 17 | 3 | 13/01/19 - 05/02/19 | |
45 | CNRS | HELIOS | Atmospheric Chemistry of CHF2CH=CF2: OH and NO3 radicals, Cl-atoms and O3 kinetics and Intermediate and end-oxidation products investigation | HELIOS-004-2018 | Vasileios Papadimitriou | University of Crete | Greece | 23 | 2 | 10/06/19 - 10/07/19 | |
46 | FZJ | SAPHIR | Investigation of the impact of nitryl chloride chemistry on the radical budget in ambient air | SAPHIR-004-2018 | Roberto Sommariva | University of Leicester | United Kingdom | 5 | 2 | 31/01/19 - 08/02/19 | |
47 | CNRS | CESAM | Characterization of a Blaustein Atomizer system | CESAM-005-2018 | Dario Massabò | PM_TEN | Italy | 6 | 2 | 25/01/19 - 01/02/19 | |
48 | UEA | RvG-ASIC | Effect of experimental scale on the growth processes of artificial columnar sea ice | RvG-ASIC-004-2018 | Tokoloho Rampai | University of Cape Twon | South Africa | 10 | 2 | 01/03/19 - 15/03/19 | |
49 | FORTH | FORTH-ASC | Formation and properties of secondary organic aerosol from the photooxidation of β-caryophyllene aged products | FORTH-ASC-004-2018 | Agata Kołodziejczyk | Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland | 30 | 1 | 10/06/19 - 19/07/19 | |
50 | CNRS-IRCELyon | ISAC | Photoreactivity of nanoplastics in the aquatic environment | ISAC-002-2019 | Monica Passananti | University of Turin | Italy | 10 | 2 | 18/03/19 - 29/03/19 | |
51 | UEA | RvG-ASIC | Testing the sensitivity of an underwater methane sensor HydroC-CH4 to various dissolved methane concentrations to mimmick conditions encountered in the field | RvG-ASIC-005-2019 | Caroline Jacques | Université Libre de Bruxelles | Belgium | 11 | 1 | 27/10/19 - 08/11/19 | |
52 | PSI | PACS-C3 | Molecular composition and volatility of secondary organic compounds from nitrate radical oxidation of biogenic and anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | PACS-C3-005-2019 | Cheng Wu | Stockholm University | Sweden | 30 | 3 | 25/02/19 - 31/03/19 | |
53 | TROPOS | LEAK-LACIS | Linking peroxides in the gas and particle phase of secondary organic aerosol | LEAK-LACIS-003-2019 | Markus Kalberer | University of Basel | Switzerland | 26 | 3 | 19/02/19 - 22/03/19 | |
54 | UMAN | MAC-MICC | Phase state of particles formed in seeded and unseeded oxidation of mixed SOA precursors | MAC-MICC-001-2019 | Zhijun Wu | Peking University | China | 20 | 2 | 04/03/19 - 29/03/19 | |
55 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Aerosol particle organic analytical training course | OGTAC CC-Training-004-2019 | Eimear Heffernan | University College Cork | Ireland | 10 | 1 | 18/03/19 - 29/03/19 | |
56 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Aerosol particle organic analytical training course | OGTAC CC-Training-005-2019 | Sophie Haslett | Stockholm University | Sweden | 5 | 6 | 25/03/19 - 29/03/19 | |
57 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Aerosol particle organic analytical training course | OGTAC CC-Training-006-2019 | Diite Thomsen | Aarhus University | Denmark | 5 | 7 | 01/04/19 - 05/04/19 | |
58 | PSI | PASC-C3 | The molecular composition of products formed from chlorine oxidation | PACS-C3-006-2019 | Sophie Haslett | Stockholm University | Sweden | 17 | 3 | 30/03/19 - 14/04/19 | |
59 | UAIC | CERNESIM | Secondary organic aerosol formation from volatile organic compounds degradation from Green Waste Products emissions | CERNESIM-001-2019 | Raluca Ciuraru | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique | France | 10 | 2 | 02/09/19 - 13/09/19 | |
60 | FORTH | FORTH-ASC | Oxidation of organo-silicone compounds in the atmosphere | FORTH-ASC-005-2019 | George Biskos | The Cyprus Institute | Cyprus | 17 | 3 | 13/06/19 - 05/07/19 | |
61 | TROPOS | LEAK-LACIS | Exploring performance of the Fast Infrared Hygrometer across the range of environmental conditions | LEAK-LACIS-004-2019 | Tadeusz Stacewicz | University of Warsaw | Poland | 14 | 2 | 20/05/19 - 07/06/19 | |
62 | CEAM | EUPHORE | The formation of beta-dicarbonyls, enols, and organic acids in the photo-oxidation of gamma-dicarbonyls | EUPHORE-005-2019 | Mike Newland | University of York | United Kingdom | 15 | 3 | 28/05/19 - 13/06/19 | |
63 | TROPOS | LEAK-LACIS | LOW-weight Aerosol Monitoring Evaluation CHAMber exPeriment (LOWAMECHAMP) | LEAK-LACIS-005-2019 | Patrik Winiger | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | The Netherlands | 5 | 2 | 08/04/19 - 12/04/19 | |
64 | UEA | RvG-ASIC | Effects of Ice Stressors and Pollutants on the Arctic Marine Cryosphere (EISPAC) | RvG-ASIC-006-2019 | Zhiyong Xie | Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht | Germany | 22 | 2 | 22/04/19 - 24/05/19 | |
65 | FORTH | FORTH-ASC | Nucleation precursors under ambient conditions | FORTH-ASC-006-2019 | Spiro Jorga | Carnegie Mellon University | USA | - | - | REFUSED | |
66 | CNRS | HELIOS | Atmospheric Degradation of a Series of Epoxy Compounds | HELIOS-005-2019 | Peter Wiesen | Bergische Universität Wuppertal | Germany | 15 | 2 | 13/07/19 - 04/08/19 | |
67 | CNRS | CESAM | Aqueous Formation of Brown Carbon from Pyrogallol and Syringol Photo-oxidation. | CESAM-006-2019 | Mikael Ehn | University of Helsinki | Finland | 19 | 10 | 03/06/19 - 28/06/19 | |
68 | FORTH | FORTH-ASC | Organic characterization of secondary biomass burning aerosol through advanced spectrometric (MS and NMR) techniques | FORTH-ASC-007-2019 | Stefano Decesari | CNR - ISAC | Italy | 29 | 2 | 15/05/19 - 05/06/19 - 01/10/19 - 20/10/19 | |
69 | CNRS | HELIOS | EUROCHAMP PTR-MS Intercomparison Campaign | HELIOS-006-2019 | Armin Wisthaler | University of Oslo | Norway | 12.5 | 9 | 06/05/19 - 24/05/19 | |
70 | KIT | AcCloud | An inter-comparison of new ice-nucleating particle counters | AcCloud-001-2019 | Michael Adams | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | 12 | 9 | 02/05/19 - 17/05/19 | |
71 | PSI | CCSM | BC intercomparison workshop | CCSM-003-2019 | Marco Zanatta | Alfred Wegener Institut | Germany | 10 | 16 | 13/05/19 - 24/05/19 | |
72 | UEF | ILMARI | Emission factors and formation of secondary aerosols related to sugar cane harvesting using field fires | ILMARI-004-2019 | Jürgen Orasche | Helmholtz Zentrum München | Germany | 12 | 4 | 27/05/19 - 12/06/19 | |
73 | UCC | IASC | Mechanisms and secondary organic aerosol formation from the atmospheric oxidation of 2,5-dimethylfuran and gamma-valerolactone | IASC-002-2019 | Alfonso Aranda | University of Castilla La Mancha | Spain | 36 | 2 | 04/06/19 - 31/07/19 | |
74 | TROPOS | LEAK-LACIS | Performance of the UltraFast Thermometer 2.0 under turbulent cloudy conditions | LEAK-LACIS-006-2019 | Jakub Nowak | University of Warsaw | Poland | 15 | 3 | 19/08/19 - 06/09/19 | |
75 | TROPOS | LEAK-LACIS | Heterogeneous formation of organosulfates : towards a parameterisation of the kinetics - Part 1 : chamber experiments | LEAK-LACIS-007-2019 | Eric Villenave | University of Bordeaux | France | 7 | 1 | 03/07/19 - 12/07/19 | |
76 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Heterogeneous formation of organosulfates : towards a parameterisation of the kinetics - Part 2 : off-line aerosol chemical characterisation | OGTAC CC-Training-007-2019 | Emilie Perraudin | University of Bordeaux | France | 7 | 1 | 03/07/19 - 12/07/19 | |
77 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Training in Chemical Analysis of SOA Constituents Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry | OGTAC CC-Training-007-2019 | Matthieu Riva | CNRS-IRCELyon | France | 12 | 1 | 01/09/19 - 15/09/19 | |
78 | UCC | IASC | Investigation of particle formation in the polluted marine atmosphere: simulation, characterization and reaction kinetics | IASC-003-2019 | Yosuke Sakamoto | Kyoto University | Japan | 30 | 1 | 19/08/19 - 27/09/19 | |
79 | UAIC | CERNESIM | Photochemical oxidation of new "green" solvents | CERNESIM-002-2019 | Terry Dillon | University of York | United Kingdom | 10 | 2 | 09/12/19 - 21/12/19 | |
80 | CNRS | CESAM | Impact of particle composition, morphology and aging on the direct radiative effect of Black Carbon aerosols | CESAM-007-2019 | Angela Marinoni | National Research Centre | Italy | 10 | 1 | 08/07/19 - 19/07/19 | |
81 | UMAN | MAC-MICC | Assessment of the Influence of Photochemical Aging on the Physical, Chemical, and Optical Properties of Black Carbon Particles | MAC-MICC-002-2019 | Martin Irwin | Catalytic Instruments GmbH & Co.KG | Germany | 15 | 4 | 16/11/19 - 11/12/19 | |
82 | FZJ | SAPHIR | Investigation of the impact of nitryl chloride chemistry on the radical budget in ambient air - Part II | SAPHIR-005-2019 | Roberto Sommariva | University of Leicester | United Kingdom | 5 | 1 | 22/07/19 - 26/07/19 | |
83 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Calibration workshop of CPC and DMPS instruments within the EUROCHAMP-2020 community | WCCAP-004-2019 | Jean-François Doussin | CNRS | France | 22 | 10 | 16/09/19 - 11/10/19 | |
84 | UMAN | MAC-MICC | Impact of short-term air pollution exposure on cognitive function | MAC-MICC-003-2019 | Juana Maria Delgado Saborit | ISGlobal | Spain | 32 | 1 | 07/10/19 - 19/11/19 | |
85 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Instrument Intercomparison workshop - Condensation Particle Counter | WCCAP-005-2019 | Jiri Sperka | Czech Metrology Institute | Czech Republic | 2 | 1 | 17/09/19 - 18/09/19 | |
86 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Calibration Workshop MPSS+CPC | WCCAP-006-2019 | Christian Maier | Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik | Austria | 8 | 2 | 07/10/19 - 11/10/19 | |
87 | TROPOS | WCCAP | AP-2019-3 | WCCAP-007-2019 | Krista Luoma | University of Helsinki | Finland | 8 | 1 | 07/10/19 - 11/10/19 | |
88 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Development of monitoring and analysis techniques for atmospheric composition in Korea | WCCAP-008-2019 | Jeongeun Kim | National Institute of Meteorological Sciences | South Korea | 2 | 1 | 07/10/19 - 11/10/19 | |
89 | FZJ | SAPHIR | The effects of Phase state on SOA Gas-particle Partitioning | SAPHIR-006-2019 | Zhijun Wu | Peking University | China | 5 | 1 | 08/07/19 - 25/08/19 | |
90 | BUW | QUAREC | Kinetic and mechanistic study of tropospheric degradation of a series of furanones derived from: 2(3H)-Furanone and 3(2H)-furanone initiated by Cl atoms and OH radicals at 298 K, and their atmospheric implication | QUAREC-003-2019 | Maria Sagrario Salgado Munoz | Universidad Castilla de la Mancha | Spain | 23 | 1 | 04/11/19 - 04/12/19 | |
91 | BUW | QUAREC | Tropospheric chemical degradation of a serie of fluoroesters initiated by OH radicals and Cl and their atmospheric implications | QUAREC-004-2019 | Maria Sagrario Salgado Munoz | Universidad Castilla de la Mancha | Spain | 29 | 3 | 02/03/20 - 20/03/20 and 01/02/21 - 19/02/21 | |
92 | UEA | RvG-ASIC | ECV-Ice intercomparison experiment for CO2 related parameters and other gases in sea ice | RvG-ASIC-007-2019 | Bruno Delille | Université de Liège | Belgium | 19 | 7 | 15/01/20 - 31/01/20 | |
93 | BUW | QUAREC | Reactivity and distribution of oxidation products in the troposphere of hydrogenated, and unsaturated esters. Impact on air pollution | QUAREC-005-2019 | Diana Rodriguez | Universidad Castilla de la Mancha | Spain | 24 | 3 | 01/06/21 - 29/07/21 | |
94 | INFN | ChAMBRe | Survival of Antimicrobial Resistant Strains in the Air | ChAMBRe-001-2019 | Viktoria Tepper | Institute of Environmental Engineering | Switzerland | 23 | 1 | 16/02/20 - 03/10/20 | |
95 | UEF | ILMARI | Determination of the enhancement factor and of the size distribution for secondary PM formed during atmospheric aging of gasoline vehicle exhaust | ILMARI-005-2019 | Andrea D'Anna | Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II | Italy | 10 | 2 | 03/12/19 - 17/01/20 | |
96 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Aerosol particle organic analytical training course | OGTAC CC-Training-009-2019 | Teresa Vera | Fundacion CEAM | Spain | 5 | 2 | 25/11/19 - 29/11/19 | |
97 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Aerosol particle organic analytical training course | OGTAC CC-Training-010-2019 | Agata Kołodziejczyk | Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences | Poland | 5 | 4 | 02/12/19 - 06/12/19 | |
98 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Nitration of aromatic compounds under atmospheric nighttime conditions | OGTAC CC-Training-011-2019 | Ana Kroflic | National Institute of Chemistry | Slovenia | 20 | 2 | 06/01/20/ - 31/01/20 | |
99 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC | Training in Chemical Analysis of SOA Constituents Using High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry II | OGTAC CC-Training-012-2019 | Matthieu Riva | CNRS IRCELyon | France | 10 | 1 | 20/01/20 - 31/01/20 | |
100 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Nephelometer inspection and calibration | WCCAP-009-2020 | Esther Coz | CIEMAT | Spain | 4 | 1 | 28/01/20 - 31/01/20 | |
101 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Participation to the IN-2020-1 instrument intercomparison workshop | WCCAP-010-2020 | Angela Marinoni | CNR ISAC | Italy | 4 | 2 | 28/01/20 - 31/01/20 | |
102 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Instrument comparison workshop: Mobility particle size spectrometer and condensation particle counter | WCCAP-011-2020 | Jan Kaiser | University of East Anglia | United Kingdom | 6 | 1 | 16/03/20 - 20/03/20 | |
103 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Intercomparison of absorption photometer | WCCAP-012-2020 | Bas Henzing | TNO | The Netherlands | 4 | 2 | 29/06/20 - 03/07/20 | |
104 | TROPOS | WCCAP | P-2020-1 | WCCAP-013-2019 | Jakub Ondracek | Czech Academy of Sciences | Czech Republic | 8 | 1 | 27/01/20 - 31/01/20 | |
105 | TROPOS | WCCAP | P-2020-1 | WCCAP-014-2019 | Miroslav Bitter | Czech Hydrometerological Institute | Czech Republic | 4 | 1 | 27/01/20 - 29/01/20 | |
102 | UAIC | CERNESIM | Photodegradation of the fungicide tebuconazole in surface waters and the atmosphere: A multi-compartment approach | CERNESIM-003-2019 | Davide Vione | University of Turin | Italy | 10 | 1 | 28/06/21 - 02/07/21 and 05/07/21 - 09/07/21 | |
103 | UAIC | CERNESIM | Atmospheric chemistry of oxygenated terpenes | CERNESIM-004-2019 | Alexandre Tomas | IMT Lille Douai | France | 10 | 2 | 14/07/21 - 27/07/21 | |
104 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Participation to the nephelometer calibration workshop, project IN-2020-1-3 | WCCAP-015-2020 | Claudia Di Biagio | CNRS LISA | France | 4 | 2 | 27/01/20 - 31/01/20 | |
105 | TROPOS | WCCAP | AP-2020-2 and IN-2020-2 calibration | WCCAP-016-2020 | Christian Maier | Sonnblick Observatory | Austria | 4 | 1 | 29/06/20 - 03/07/20 | |
106 | TROPOS | WCCAP | WCCAP-017-2020 | Imre Salma | Eötvös University | Hungary | - | - | CANCELLED | ||
107 | TROPOS | WCCAP | WCCAP-018-2020 | Adam Kristensson | Lund University | Sweden | - | - | CANCELLED | ||
108 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Calibration of CPCs at ECAC | WCCAP-019-2020 | Paul Williams | University of Manchester | United Kingdom | 2 | 1 | 16/03/20 - 17/03/20 | |
109 | TROPOS | WCCAP | WCCAP calibration | WCCAP-020-2020 | Luca Di Liberto | CNR ISAC | Italy | 6 | 1 | 16/03/20 - 19/03/20 | |
110 | TROPOS | WCCAP | Intercomparison of integrating nephelometers Project No: IN-2020-2-1 | WCCAP-021-2020 | Suzanne Cruymerolle | CNRS | France | 8 | 1 | 29/06/20 - 03/07/20 | |
111 | CNRS | HELIOS | Total Hydroperoxide and Peroxide Yield from Isoprene Ozonolysis | HELIOS-007-2020 | Rabi Chhantyal Pun | University of Bristol | United Kingdom | - | - | REFUSED | |
112 | UAIC | CERNESIM | Atmospheric oxidation of major VOCs from selected essential oils | CERNESIM-005-2020 | Alexandru Ciocarlan | Moldova Institute of Chemistry | Moldova | 10 | 2 | 05/05/2021 - 19/05/2021 | |
113 | FORTH | FORTH-ASC | Evolution of the morphology, chemical and optical properties of blackcarbon containing particles emitted by residential biomass burning | FORTH-ASC-008-2020 | Esther Coz | CIEMAT | Spain | 12 | 1 | 17/07/20 - 27/07/20 | |
114 | INFN | ChAMBRe | EUROCHAMP BIOAEROSOLS 2020 | ChAMBRe-002-2020 | David Topping | University of Manchester | United Kingdom | - | - | CANCELLED | |
115 | CNRS | HELIOS | Total Hydroperoxide and Peroxide Yield from Isoprene Ozonolysis | HELIOS-008-2020 | Rabi Chhantyal Pun | University of Bristol | United Kingdom | 10 | 1 | 12/05/21 - 22/07/21 | |
116 | CNRS | HELIOS | Study of the atmospheric degradation processes of hydrofluoroethers | HELIOS-009-2020 | Elena Jimenez | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha | Spain | - | - | REFUSED | |
117 | CNRS | HELIOS | Study of the atmospheric degradation processes of hydrofluoroethers | HELIOS-010-2020 | Elena Jimenez | Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha | Spain | 10 | 1 | 05/10/20 - 16/10/20 | |
118 | BUW | QUAREC | Ozonolysis of trimethoxybenzene isomers in atmospheric simulation chamber: from chamber development to research applications | QUAREC-006-2020 | Rodrigo Gibilisco | CNRS ICARE | France | 24 | 1 | 22/03/21 - 30/04/21 | |
119 | CNRS | CESAM | Multiphase brown carbon formation by the photooxidation of resorcinol and guaiacol | CESAM-008-2020 | David De Haan | University of San Diego | USA | 20 | 7 | 07/07/21 - 03/08/21 | |
120 | KIT | AIDA | Intercomparison of atmospheric hygrometers - AquaVIT04 | AIDA-006-2020 | Mélanie Ghysel Dubois | Université de Reims | France | - | - | CANCELLED | |
121 | CNRS | CESAM | Unveiling Nucleation mechanism in aiRcraft Engine exhAust and its Link with fuel composition (UNREAL) | CESAM-009-2020 | Miikka Dal Maso | Tampere University | Finland | - | - | REFUSED | |
122 | CNRS | CESAM | Atmospheric processing of mineral dust: impact on the formation of metal-ligand complexes and hygroscopicity, and their mutual links | CESAM-010-2021 | Chiara Giorio | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | 10 | 5 | 08/02/21 - 19/02/21 | |
123 | CEAM | EUPHORE | Investigating the formation of isoprene nitrates and nitroxysulfates under polluted urban conditions | EUPHORE-006-2021 | Jacqueline Hamilton | University of York | United Kingdom | 27 | 4 | 31/05/21 - 07/07/21 | |
124 | CNRS | CESAM | Impact of particle composition, morphology and aging on the direct radiative effect of Black Carbon aerosols - phase II | CESAM-011-2021 | Angela Marinoni | CNR - ISAC | Italy | 15 | 2 | 22/02/21 - 12/03/21 | |
125 | KIT | AIDA | Cloud Chamber Validation of a Potential UAV Platformed Aerosol and Cloud Probe | AIDA-007-2021 | Joseph Girdwood | University of Hertfordshire | United Kingdom | 8 | 3 | 17/02/21 - 26/02/21 | |
126 | BUW | QUAREC | Gas phase OH radical oxidation of 2-methylstyrene and photolysis of nitrotoluene isomers | QUAREC-007-2021 | Iustinian Bejan | University of Iasi | Romania | 20 | 2 | 03/05/21 - 28/05/21 | |
127 | KIT | AIDA | Experimental confirmation of size-dependent multiphase equilibria and heterogeneous reactions for surface active aqueous organic aerosol. | AIDA-008-2021 | Nonne Prisle | University of Oulu | Finland | 16 | 4 | 22/03/21 - 16/04/21 | |
128 | INFN | ChAMBRe | Survival of Antimicrobial Resistant Strains in the Air | ChAMBRe-003-2021 | Viktoria Tepper | Institute of Environmental Engineering | Switzerland | 17 | 1 | 14/06/21 - 26/06/21 | |
129 | KIT | AIDA | Experimental investigation of homogeneous freezing processes and water saturation at cirrus cloud conditions (TROPIC06) | AIDA-009-2021 | Eric Jensen | National Center for Atmospheric Research | USA | 11 | 1 | 30/04/21 - 14/05/21 | |
130 | CNRS | CESAM | Atmospheric breakdown of the new green solvents cyrene, oxymethylene ethers and 2,2-di-tert-butyl-dimethoxypropane | CESAM-012-2021 | Terry Dillon | University of York | United Kingdom | - | - | CANCELLED | |
131 | CNRS | HELIOS | AIRTIME: AIrcel peRformance aT helIos chaMbEr | HELIOS-011-2021 | Rosaria Pileci | U-Earth Biotech Ltd | Italy | 15 | 3 | 24/5/21 - 11/6/21 | |
132 | CNRS | CESAM | Study of the variability of the correction factor (Cref) for two models af Aethalometers (AE31-AE33) as function of aerosol particles size, SSA and OC content in fresh emission and after aging in different controlled conditions | CESAM-013-2021 | Laura Renzi | CNR-ISAC | Italy | 8 | 2 | 17/5/21 - 28/5/21 | |
133 | KIT | AIDA | Aerosol-Ice Formation Closure Laboratory Study (AEROICELAB) | AIDA-010-2021 | Daniel Knopf | Stony Brook University | USA | 17 | 11 | 24/6/21 - 16/7/21 | |
134 | PSI | PACS-C3 | Light absorption and chemical measurements of primary organic aerosol and secondary organic aerosol | PACS-C3-007-2021 | Grisa Mocnik | University of Nova Gorica | Slovenia | 8 | 5 | 9/7/21 - 16/7/21 | |
135 | PSI | PACS-C3 | Biogenic and Anthropogenic Material Burning Experiments (BAMBE) | PACS-C3-008-2021 | Nadine Borduas-Dedekind | University of British Columbia | Canada | 25 | 2 | 13/07/21 - 13/08/21 | |
136 | KIT | AIDA | Using synthetic proxies for complex ambient particles to better understand cloud ice formation (SYNPARTICE) | AIDA-011-2021 | Isabelle Steinke | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) | USA | 11 | 7 | 23/7/21 - 6/8/21 | |
137 | UCC | IASC | Characterization of a broadband integrating nephelometer over the wavelength range 400 and 550 nm: Aerosol optical parameter retrieval | IASC-004-2021 | Ravi Varma | National Institute of Technology Calicut | India | 22 | 2 | 2/8/21 - 31/8/21 | |
138 | TROPOS | WCCAP | CPC-2020-2 and MPSS-2020-2 | WCCAP-022-2020 | Christian Maier | Sonnblick Observatory (ZAMG) | Austria | 10 | 1 | 26/10/20 - 30/10/20 | |
139 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC Training | Metal ion release from urban PM2.5 to a Simulated epithelial lung fluid formulation and Quantification of Silicon in PM samples collected during the EPL-REFLECT campaignon Mount Etna | OGTAC CC-Training-014-2020 | Sara D'Aronco | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | 10 | 1 | 28/06/21 - 09/07/21 | |
140 | KIT | AcCloud | Intercomparison and calibration of ice nucleating particle instruments - development of experimental procedures and reference methods | AcCloud-002-2021 | Zamin Kanji | ETH Zurich | Switzerland | 10 | 3 | 01/02/21 - 12/02/21 | |
141 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC ILC | Third OGTAC-CC inter-laboratory comparison (ILC) on anthropogenic SOA marker compounds | OGTAC CC-ILC-003-2021 | Ana Kroflič | National Institute of Chemistry | Slovenia | 25 | 4 | 01/03/21 - 30/06/21 | |
142 | PSI | CCSM | Aerosol absorption enhancement due to realistic coatings - different instrumental approaches and calibration | CCSM-004-2021 | Grisa Močnik | University of Nova Gorica | Slovenia | 4 | 5 | 05/07/21 - 08/07/21 | |
143 | UMAN | MAC-MICC | Night-time formation of SOA in mixtures | MAC-MICC-004-2020 | Matthias Hallquist | University of Göteborg | Sweden | 12 | 2 | 02/03/20 - 17/03/20 | |
144 | TROPOS | OGTAC CC-Training-013-2020 | Investigation of the Chemical Composition of Particulate Matter in Southwestern Nigeria and Evaluation of Sources of Potentially Toxic Element | OGTAC CC-Training-013-2020 | Olalekan Tesleem Kolawole | Osun State University | Nigeria | 15 | 1 | 01/06/21 - 21/06/21 | |
145 | TROPOS | WCCAP | CPC-2019-4, MPSS-2019-4 | WCCAP-003-2019 | Jan Hovorka | Charles University | Czech Republich | - | - | CANCELLED |